Monday, January 6, 2025

Quilts on the Horizon for 2025

This looks suspiciously similar to last year's list, but I made 12 quilts last year so  I'm starting off the year with the 12 quilts that get rolled over from that list with more for good measure. I made a pretty good dent in last year's list, but was sidetracked by our move in August and our many outside projects.

This is a list of both UFOs and quilts I hope to work on in the coming year. 

1. Winter Blues - I didn't touch this last year and I've just got 65 of these little scrappy blue blocks made so hopefully I can get back to this one and move it forward. It's been on the list since 2022. I may set this up to be my leader-ender project.

2. Follow Your Heart - Jackie has this one so I'll be binding it soon. This too has been on this list since 2022.

3. Christmas Quilt - No progress on this one in fact, I haven't even chosen a pattern, but I'm using my stash so it will be scrappy.

4. Peppermint Bark Christmas - I need a 2nd Christmas quilt and I actually do have the blocks made, but they haven't made it to top status yet. I made them back in June.

5. Love You S'more - I pieced one camping quilt top for our granddaughter last year that's ready to be dropped off with Jackie. 

6. Love You S'more II - New Project. Another camping quilt for our grandson.

7. Meet Me in Margaritaville - I scrapped my original plan and moved on to plan B, but wasn't liking that much either. So I'm waiting for inspiration to lead me in another direction, but another green-blue quilt is still on my radar

8. Pooh's Corner - Still just a pile of fabric at the moment

9. Meadow Friends - hoping to make a quilt or 2 from these fabrics for the grandchildren

10. S'mores Quilt - I didn't touch this last year and still have blocks to make

11. Farmhouse Chic Quilt - another one that I neglected last year, but I hope to dig into it soon

12. Snuggle Season - still just a fat quarter pack. I need to settle on a pattern yet.

13. Old Dirt Road - I hope to work on this one this year - it's not even cut out yet.

14. Gingham Farmhouse - ready to hand this one off to Jackie for quilting

15. Scrap Baskets - I picked this one up from Jackie last September, but still need to bind it.

16. Red & White Swap Quilt - in line to be bound

17. Peaches & Cream Gingham - Also waiting for me to stitch the binding down.

18. Animal Crackers - This one is at Jackie's - that binding pile is growing!

19. Autumn Gatherings - Flannel quilt requested by our girl. It's pieced and ready to be quilted.

20. I Spy - I made an I Spy quilt for our granddaughter's 2nd birthday. Our grandson is turning 2 this year so an I Spy quilt is definitely a priority.

Then there are a handful of quilt tops that have been hanging in the back of the closet for quite a few years. They were rediscovered when we moved. It's time to get them finished.

21. Dinosaur Baby - needs a backing

22. Jungle Baby - awaiting a backing as well 

23. Farmers Market - needs a good pressing before I hand it off to be quilted. I pieced a backing and made binding for it on Wednesday.                                        

24. Sweet Snuggles flannel quilt - in line for quilting

O.K. stopping there. If I stick to this list, I won't be buying much fabric because I have everything for all the quilts with the exception of some backings, but I'm going to try hard to cobble those together from my stash. I bought very little last year. Heaven knows I can sew for years and not run out of fabric, but it would be nice to see a decrease in my stash.

5 of these are waiting for binding, 7 are completed tops and ready to be quilted, 3 are partially pieced, and the other 9 aren't even cut out yet so I ought to to be able to finish a dozen or so and hopefully make progress on others.  It's funny to think that I could go this entire year without sewing a stitch (except for bindings) and still have 12 quilts finished at the end of the year. 

It's hard to sit inside and quilt when we're spending so much time working on our property, turning it into what we've envisioned. (Presently, that's our new chicken coop / yard). Even when the weather chases us inside, I'd rather cozy up by the fire so good thing I've got a lot of quilts to bind!


Gretchen Weaver said...

It looks like you will have a lot of finishes this year even if you don't get much sewing time. Are you able to look out a window in your sewing room? Happy stitching!

Anonymous said...

Interested in the Jungle babies pattern. Is that on line or your own. When did you ever get time to do all those quilts with your busy life on the “dirt road”? They are beautiful. Dotti in CT

Anonymous said...

You have a great list! I made Winter Blues in 2022, then did a completely scrappy one for the blues. I wish I could say I used up a lot of my 1.5 strips but the lid still tries to pop off. Both kids wanted it so another one is on my list.
I enjoy reading your posts, your move and retirement just make my heart truly happy for you.

Anonymous said...

Could you use a stack of 4 1/2” squares for the eye-spy quilt you have planned? Twenty-six of them are letters of the alphabet (ie. A - Angelfish, B - Bear, C - Cow, etc.) in very bright, cheerful colors. The rest are a complete variety of things kids could pick out (ie. cat, dog, cow, horse, umbrella, race car, hockey player, etc. - you get the idea!). I made one eye-spy quilt, and I know there won’t be any more grandkids coming, so these could use a new home. I’d be happy to send them to you, if you’re interested. If you reply here, I’ll send you my email address so we can arrange it. I always enjoy your blog! Candy

Chris said...

Wow!! You are amazing! I need to put my foot to the pedal and get with it! I only got two--strike that--three quilty things made last year. One big quilt, a wall hanging, and a small Christmas wall hanging for a gift to a friend. I'm a pokey stitcher I guess, and unfortunately, a one thing at a time quilter. You are inspiring me! Happy New Year!

Lindah said...

So many pretty quilts! In the last post, too! A visit to your blog always gets my quilting mojo stirred up. In a good way. :)
Love seeing what you and hubby are doing with your new ranch.

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