Isn't it beautiful?
So long swamp cooler! Yep, you read that right! We banished the swamp cooler and installed refrigerated air! Woo Hoo! Yippee! I'm practically giddy! No more damp floors. No more warping of the nice oak furniture! No more wet books! No more sweltering 100°+ days in the the house! No more clammoring up on the roof and having serious discussions with said swamp cooler unit!
It took two days and 4 guys. Here they are removing the swamp long baby!
DH had to dig a ditch through the yard from the electric pole and the only time I frowned was when I found out that the unit had to be installed in my front yard, right in the middle of the bed of Vinca Major that after 5 years, and umpteen wheelbarrows of dirt, has finally started filling in. But, it's a minor problem I can deal with. Think we'll put up a fence around it, about 2 ft from the unit, and let the vines shimmy up it
Ditch filler-inners:
This was not a fun job on this particular day because the wind was steadily gusting at 50+ mph.
Right now Jared is my hero!
I'm so cotton pickin' excited! And thankful! And blessed!
We're fresh air people though and for the most part, we prefer to have the windows open, but
my kitchen turns into a sauna in the summertime and I just won't know what to do with myself now! We're branding this week and I'm just jumping for joy in my nice, cool kitchen! Happy, happy, joy, joy! Even when the alarm went off at the insane hour of 3:00 this morning, I was not dismayed because I know that when the mercury rises during the day, I will be able to walk over to this handy dandy control unit and push that cute little button!
Ahhhhh....! I'm walkin in high cotton!
Rejoice, rejoice, and again I say REJOICE!!
WOW! I am happy for you too! it always helps those with allergies to mold if that's a problem. I loved looking down your blog post and seeing your beautiful quilts. I miss my quilting days. I still have some beautiful fabrics that I hope to someday combine with some painting techniques. Thanks for visiting my blog and your comment!
Congratulations! I would be THAT excited my ownself! We live in a little ranch shack that was an afterthought to our place, and we have no real heat during the winter, and last year we finally put in two window AC units for the summers. I still don't like to run them unless I absolutely have to, but it sure helps when it's so dratted hot and you're trying to sleep! Happy Branding Season! You make me glad we live in ear-tagging country!
Hi Odd Chick! I'm sure you're familiar with fabric collage quilts like this:
I thought of you when I saw these. Painting...with fabric! What do you think?
We just got a new AC/Heat unit in December. Little did we know that we would have the coldest and longest winter ever in Florida. And now the Air is working beautifully. And it is supposed to lower our ever climbing electric bill. Enjoy your cool..........
Hi Happy Cottage Quilter! I grew up in your kind of heat - humid! Ugh! Now when I go back to visit my parents, I just melt! We have heat, but it's a dry heat.
Bet your glad to see summer roll around after your long winter!
Thank you for stopping by! Always glad to meet new friends!
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