I'm in need of more fabric.
Come to think of it, is there a quilter in existence who isn't?
So this weekend I pulled out a project that's been stashed away for a while. Last year I started a Texas Log Cabin top and this weekend I pulled it out again. Here's the pattern:
I miss Texas. When we moved, I even considered redrawing the state lines. Grin! No, I don't have that power, but let's just pretend I do!
And here's a peek:
It may be a while before I can actually show the completed quilt because I am certain another project (or 2) will catch my fancy and I'll flit off in another direction before long, but I still really like this pattern and hope I can keep my nose to the grindstone long enough to make some real progress.
This morning started at 4:30 and now it's 6. Breakfast has been devoured, dishes have been washed, laundry has been started, bed has been made. Leaves lots of time in the day!
I need 96 blocks and had made 14. Everyone says the Log Cabin is easy to piece and it is, but these strips are only 1.25" and when I was cutting them I thought I would be cutting forever! The goal was to make the original quilt which is 67"x94". We'll see.
As soon as I started piecing more blocks this weekend I noticed that something was off. The previous blocks were quite a bit smaller than the new ones. Sigh. New quilter syndrome must have been present. I must have been so excited about learning to quilt and thought I could just whip out a quilt in no time and I jumped in with both feet, not paying close attention to the importance of the 1/4" seam. Apparently my newly acquired 1/4" quilting skills were not up snuff last year.
The good news is that I have made 10 new blocks this weekend.
The bad news: I now find myself ripping the 14 blocks apart and resewing them. Sure hope there's a good movie...or two..on tonight.
ONe describes that as "unsewing"...lessons we have all learned. Am looking forward to seeing the finished project...your colours look great.
I made that. It takes longer to cut the strips then to sew them together. Lots and lots of cutting. but....the end result is pretty spiffy. And the 1/4 inch seam has to be perfect. No room for error or...well you know what happens. :)
Beautiful thing. I tried a log cabin once.... ended up with a pot holder... Seemed to me the cutting isn't the only thing to watch, also the sewing and pressing because it wanted to skew itself off of being square. But I was assembling it over batting and backing so there were lots of layers to skew. Not a good short cut?
Are the big stars appliqued over the basic log cabin? Not a part of the stiping? Really pretty however its done.
Ooh, pretty! See, that's why I hesitate to quilt--because I am not a precise person by any means. Good Enough! is my motto. And yet, I am drawn to quilting, so I think maybe I have something to learn here?! We shall see... :-)
Karen! You realize I only live about 30 minutes from Fons and Porters studio....:)
Quilting Queen- thank you! I should be able to claim the Unsewing Gold Medal by the time I have ripped these squares apart.
Ranch Wife- why have I never seen this quilt?
Littl Aplle Tally- LOL! There's no telling how large this project will end up! One can never have too many potholders!
Naomi - no hesitation allowed! Just jump in and you will be hooked!Come on over to the dark side!
Bobbie- I did not need to know that.
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