Halfway home I collided with the storm. Freezing sleet and a hard snow accompanied me home on 100 miles of icy snow packed roads at a snail's pace. Thankfully the good Lord got me home safely.

We ended up with 6" here at the ranch.
Having both kids home made this Mama incredibly happy! We picked up our boy on the 23rd. Alas, his luggage did not come with him so a frustrating 2 days ensued until he and his luggage were finally reunited.
My BIL and his girlfriend arrived a few days later, while my mom and in-laws were still here, so that meant more juggling of sleeping arrangements. Beds were stripped and sheets were washed and more food was cooked and 9 people shared our one and only bathroom. My in-laws were here twice and 3 sets of friends joined us for meals at various times so many happy hours were spent in the kitchen:
When we weren't all gathered around the table for meals, a game of Texas Hold 'em or Cribbage or 42 was in progress:
Quail hunting is another favorite tradition:

The kids and DH also added a duck hunting adventure into their schedule. Apparently one floated out into the dirt tank and our boy waded out into 3' frigid water in order to retrieve it.
Smoked duck for supper!
Tiny duck drumsticks!
The last of our company pulled out on Sunday afternoon. I was already a tad weepy since DH had taken our boy to the airport early that morning. I wanted so badly to tag along, but the 2 of them hadn't had one minute alone together so I stayed behind. Many a tear was shed. We only get to see him once or twice a year and although this Mama is thankful for every moment, she is also selfish and wants more time with her chiddlers.
It was a wonderful Christmas, but I am absolutely DONE. My decorations and tree are still up although they are coming down today. Everyone wanted to know why I was so quiet at work yesterday. I was just plumb tuckered out. I have once again reached my social saturation point and I am going to have to recharge before I take even one more step. I don't even have the strength to flip the switch on my sewing machine, although my washing machine will be working non-stop for a few days.
May 2015 overflow with blessings for you and your loved ones.
Hadn't heard from you for awhile Now I see why, Glad your Christmas was so full of family. Snow looked good, poor Kitty. What a handsome active family, all that was missing was the apple pie. Some how I'll bet you just forgot to add that picture. God has blessed us both, all of mine made it too and a good time was had by all. No snow though. But that doesn't really hurt my feelins. Try and stay warm thru all this cold front.
For some reason my comment did not post. So here is the short version, glad to see you had a great Christmas, good lookin family. All mine showed up too. Stay warm with this cold front and be safe.
Sounds like you had a very busy but nice holiday with the family.
Whew! Woman, you had quite the week(s)!!! I know what you mean about wanting children time. As they get older and busier, time with them becomes a precious thing, to be carefully guarded and enjoyed. It looks like y'all had a blast while they were home, though! Stay warm, my friend!!! :)
Wow! What a whirlwind! I'm glad you had such a wonderful time, so much joy! Hope you can find some peace and quiet to recharge.
Sounds like a Wonderful time. Social Saturation - I am totally stealing that phrase!!
Glad your whole family was with you and you all enjoyed yourselves!!! Happy New YEar!
Happy New Year! I'm so glad you had time to spend with your family and made it home safe in the snow storm.
Family gatherings are the BEST way to celebrate the holidays. Glad you were able to get your mother on a plane and home safely. I've driven on roads like that, and it's NOT a pleasant experience. Your prayers for safe travel were definitely answered.
I was wondering where you were Karin....making wonderful memories and enjoying your family ! May your New Year be blessed beyond measure !
Like you I had a wonderful time during the holidays - loved every minute of the chaos. But now I'm ready for my normal...a blur of domestic chores and a few hours stitching every day suit me just fine. :) blessings, marlene
What a sweet post. I totally cracked up at the 'social saturation point'. I am so going to remember those words forever as I do the VERY same thing.:)
So nice to hear from you again. I was concerned that someone was ill. But now I understand how busy you have been and how much fun you've had. Wonderful that both of your kidders made it home for the holidays. I'm sure you are now exhausted in a warm pleasant way. Nice to see the moisture you'll get from the snow. Stay warm and happy!
Well you have been busy!I sure understand social saturation,great way of putting it.You sure have a great lookin family too! Glad you posted! Glad you made it in on those bad roads,that the Lord for 4 wd!
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