Our 10 year old air conditioner sprung a leak in the coils and when it's 110° and hotter, we truly appreciate working refrigerated air:
So Jared came out and replaced the coils. Nothing is ever easy in an old ranch house. This installation required a saw
and a flame:
and some demolition:
Which led to some new sheet rock and a new door for the heating cooling units:
That didn't solve the problem though and he ended up coming back and replacing the entire unit:
And while we're at it, let's replace the hole in the wall that was here when we moved in. A strategically placed cabinet hid it all these years:
We've also needed to replace some doors and windows in the bunkhouse
as well as 2 windows in our house:
I cannot tell you how excited I am to no longer have electrical tape on this 95" long window in my mudroom-entry way-laundry room::
The old one was double-paned and it leaked water and dirt horribly.
Proof: my windowsill would be covered in dirt when the wind blew
You could not get it clean and it wouldn't stay open so I improvised:

Not that I have a view, but a clean window makes me exponentially happy! The window installation also made it necessary to paint the side of the house:

Wonder what I could do to make it necessary to build a porch. It should be illegal to have a house without a front porch. And the new cake bin was delivered:
This is where we store the cake...aka: cubes, or feed for the cattle. DH built and welded the supports and then he and the north camp man dug deep holes and set the supports with a pallet of quick-crete:
The country was out working our road:
Hay was delivered:
And all these extra hands needed sustenance in the form of cookies so I've been busy:
And as I shared at the start of this post, MOST of our projects require work. Most. But not all. After DH cleaned out a storage tank,
we went swimming:
And then I went home and took a nap. I'm not even the one doing all the work, but this summer is wearing me out.
I am exhausted just reading your post!!! You've had a very busy month; hope things slow down soon!!!
Ranch life is non-stop activity and lots of hard work. I'm delighted you were able to enjoy taking a dip in the clean tank.
Wow, Karin, you earn your naps the hard way!! Glad you have a "swimming hole" to cool down.
That IS a lot of activity for one summer! I'm glad you had enough rain to fill the tank. In your hot weather I'm sure it was very refreshing. :)
YAY!! Swimming! That looks like a GREAT pool. New a/c, new windows..what more could you ask? LOL
I hear you on how much work (and money) it takes to keep things going. It's always something, and never ever a dull moment. I know how excited you are about those windows! I would be, too. Congratulations on getting that much done. We're having the same problem with our AC (old farm house), but we're trying to limp along till at least next year before we get all drastic about fixing it. Hay prices this winter are awful because of our drought and a shortage, so the animals come first! As I looked around my "living room", which is currently still a goat pen, I was thinking I really need to take some time off from quilting to do a little something to make this place better before winter sets in! I don't dare put my glasses on in the house, or it'd probably give me a stroke to be able to see how bad it really is!
I'm glad you had a reward after all that work!! Swimming is the best!!
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