No one really even knew he was away, but on March 3rd, DH left for Tanzania.
And no, I did not go with him. It was an unexpected trip. His brother had booked the trip a few years ago and his wife backed out 3 weeks before they were slated to leave so on Feb. 12, DH got a text from his brother asking him if he wanted to go.
Last Fall we received devastating news that DH's brother has been diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's. He's 58. He's an equine vet and he and 2 partners started up a VERY successful clinic that now employs 9 vets. Sadly, his brother couldn't take this trip alone and the $ already paid is not refundable. So we rushed and scrounged and ran around in circles and prayed, trying to organize a trip to Tanzania in 3 weeks. I told DH that if he was meant to go, God would work out all the details and work out all the details he did.

We hustled and bustled the entire time and made a mad dash to Lubbock (3 hrs one way) one morning to meet with Customs for a 4457 (a required form in order for DH to travel with a firearm). He needed a PRC Covid test, tons of paperwork, visa applications, and during all of the commotion, DH took our camp man around for a few weeks so he'd be familiar with the south end of the ranch and the water system. We've only got 300 hd here so DH just had him feed everything. And of course, Skeet was heartbroken:

I didn't tell anyone. Not friends or co-workers because I just didn't want folks knowing I was home alone. We don't participate in social media so I thought I was in the clear, but we did have to tell our Camp Man so some folks knew and of course we told the kids. The safari company they went with also posted on Instagram and a friend follows them and recognized DH. LOL. So secrets are pretty hard to keep these days.
Skeet and I managed to keep the shenanigans to a minimum while DH was away:
The horses aren't used to the grunting that accompanies chore time when I lug the50# sack of cubes out to them in the evenings. The older I get, the heavier those sacks get.
I did very little cooking, but got a craving for Cranberry Bread:
You'd think I'd sew my heart out with so much free time, but I didn't. I felt kind of lost and puttered and sorted and cleaned a lot. I have some fabric I know I will never use so I pulled those and got ready to post those online for sale:
And worked on some binding
I worked in the yard and garden, getting things ready for spring
We only do 1 puzzle a year, at Christmas, but I pulled out a puzzle and worked on it while I watched The American:
I'm not a TV bug, but I don't sleep well when DH is away and I discovered a Show called Shetland and binge-watched every season -
But all went well and after 17 days, Skeet and I are thrilled to have our intrepid hunter home.
It was a wonderful trip for both of them and I'm so grateful that he was able to spend this special time with this brother!
I am so glad he got to go. The memories of this time will be treasured always. Alzheimers takes so much and every path is different. This may be the last time they spend meaningful time together or they may have other treasured times. I hope for strength for all of those who know his brother and love him.
I know your feeling - my hubby went on a fishing trip and I thought I would get lots of sewing done, nope, nada, none got done. I was kind of lost without him, didn't get much of anything accomplished. He should get home in just a couple more hours. We are grain farmers, no livestock to feed! Glad your hubby got to spend some time with his brother. HUGS... and stitches
Wow, Karin! What an interesting time it’s been for you. How wonderful that your husband was able to make the trip. What a precious photograph of Skeet laying on his foot. You must have been exhausted by the time he got home. I have that quilt book, Scrap School too. I am making Two-Step and plan to start Spin Cycle soon. (Trying to decide if I want to do it in the navy/light neutral fabrics as shown or change it.) There are several I want to make.
What a whirlwind! I'm so glad it worked out so he could spend time with his brother. I hope they made lots of special memories. Poor Skeet. Tucker is like that when My Cowboy leaves, even just for a day. And I'm like you when I have all the alone time -- never quite sure what to do with myself! And where do you list your fabric online for sale? I need a closer look at some of those bundles!
How wonderful hubby got to go on this once of a lifetime trip with his brother! That is the sweetest picture of Skeet at your hubby's feet! Wished you could have gotten more sewing done! Glad your hubby and brother made it home safely.
Oh my gosh!! Getting ready for a trip like that in 3 weeks?! WOW, you guys pulled off a doozy. But SO GLAD He was able to go with his bro..memories for a lifetime. And lifting 50# lbs?! You are a better woman than me! LOL Glad he's home now and all's right with the world once again.
I surely did miss your posts, but now that I know why you were silent, I understand and agree with your wisdom on that. So wonderful that the 2 brothers could spend the time together. Building precious memories. And now life returns to normal, eh? Blessings on you both.
Oh my goodness what an adventure! God surely did work out the details for him and thank God for a safe trip for both of them. I am so sorry to hear of his brothers diagnosis. I think that is something of a concern for many of us as we age but 58 is so young. The look in Skeet's eyes as he lay at his feet said it all. And I get it about feeling discombobulated when your husband is traveling.
WOW!! What a trip to take at the last minute! Of course he couldn't turn it down, and congratulations to you for being willing to stay home alone. I'm glad it turned out well for all of you. Take Care!
I'm glad he had time to spend with his brother and that he's home safe after his adventure!
Am sure both you and Skeet were happy when he arrived safely back home. wonderful trip and there is no where like home.
So glad everything worked out for him, and for you!! that is a long time to be the single ranch hand!! Looks like you made the best use of your time tho ;-)
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