Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Road Ahead ...

Is paved with patience, sprinkled in with a little spunky restlessness. 


 I'm sorry I've been MIA these past few weeks, but I've just been in a holding pattern as far as my knee goes. 

I was so thankful when the hospital called and said they had a MRI cancellation and offered me the spot on the 3rd. Yes, please! Of course, we never make a trip to town for just one reason so we dropped off the flatbed trailer at a friend's fabrication shop before heading to the hospital.
My MRI lasted just 30 minutes. They ask if you would like music and what genre you prefer so it was a very relaxing and calming experience...well, until I have to pay the bill.😂If DH ever needs an MRI, he'll end up falling asleep.

Still, I needed to know what was going on. The earliest appointment I could get with my orthopedic doctor was the 17th. 🤨. However, I received a notification that my results were ready not too long after we were home. I was thrilled about that.

Turns out I just have a complete medial meniscal tear and some cartilage bits floating around.. Of course, I wanted to wait until I could visit with my doctor, but I've been doing a lot of reading and I've found some very helpful videos that led me to a knee brace that I purchased. That, along with my trusty crutches have helped although I plan on throwing a party when they can be retired.

I feel good about the fact that I've been doing daily activities interspersed with resting as one of the  therapists on a video I watched says that 'movement feeds the joint' and that rings true to me. I'm not advocating videos over medical professional advice, but I felt comfortable moving forward until my appointment. And I feel like I'm doing something to help heal the injury. I just tend to get into trouble when I overdo it. I'm not very good at paying attention to that until my knee says, "I quit!"

Yesterday the doctor confirmed my suspicions and told me that he could schedule me for surgery, however, he said he likes to wait until the Cortisone is no longer in my 3 months. So, the waiting continues. There are things behind the scenes that are making that more challenging, but I'm grateful that God's in control and that I'm in good hands.

In the evenings I've been working on a binding and should have a finish soon.

And I rolled $159.50 worth of change

I'm always surprised, and delighted, at how that adds up. As a child, I remember being so excited when my Daddy would take me to the recycle truck and turn in stomped aluminum cans in exchange for $ and then swing by the bank to deposit it into my savings account. I deposited all of it unless there was a new Trixie Beldon book on the bookshelf at the BX on the Air Force base. It still makes my heart happy to add to the savings balance.

And as much as I fuss about technology, today I am grateful for it because without it, I would not have had the MRI, or received the report so quickly, or had access to information, nor would a knee brace have been winging its way to the end of the dirt road.

I'm incredibly grateful the ligaments were not compromised and a meniscal tear is minor in comparison to what it could have been.

I think I got a little panic-y because this is NOT a good time for this, but is there ever a good time for an injury? Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10


Gretchen Weaver said...

I'm glad you have a diagnosis and yes, the knee brace is a wonderful help, just don't over do! Somedays my knee still feels achy and I pull out the brace and wear for several hours. Happy stitching!

Deanna said...

Patience involves activity. You are doing productive waiting.

Momma Llama said...

Prayers for healing, patience and a strong,healthy recovery.

Many years ago, 1977 to be exact, I had a serious snow skiing accident and tore every tendon and ligament in my left knee. I opted not to have surgery, just a full leg cast. After the cast was off, I would go to the beach and walk on the sand for therapy. I even used the beach walking as a reason to fly to Daytona Beach two weekends a month.
Today, oh so many years later, my knee is a-ok. I have never had a problem with it.

I hope that you will have success with the medical treatment that you choose. Adapting to a slower, different way to move through each day will be a short term shift in your daily life.

Sunshine and Smiles,

smithcindyk said...

I hope it brings peace of mind that there is a plan for a complete recovery and it will be here before you know it!

liferecipes said...

Obviously, your doctor has never had the same injury you have! I would like to see him limp for just a week. Then his opinion would change drastically about the needs of his patients. I have heard much less time to get certain meds out of your system.

When I was teaching in Utah, we had the benefit of having Utah Ballet dancers come to my classroom once every five years to talk to our students. Many dancers go into physical therapy once their dancing careers are over. They totally understand pain and injury after having so many injuries themselves. I imagine they would deal with their patients with ever so much compassion and true understanding.

My husband had a small meniscal tear smoothed over surgically once. There was no PT needed at all. He had to use the crutches to be allowed to leave the hospital but never used them once we were home. He had this instant healing once that tear was smoothed over. Let us hope your surgery goes as well!

Anonymous said...

It's good to know the situation, but waiting so long for the surgery is a frustration indeed. Fingers crossed all goes well in the meantime. What you need is a few previously undiscovered Trixie Beldon books (she was my favorite kid sleuth too).


Shirley said...

Oeh that sounds so painful, the injury ánd the bill. I’m glad we have good medical health insurance here in the Netherlands so we don’t have to pay for anything after we payed for the first €300,- ish. My DH has been undergoing a lot of treatments for lungcancer and on the 16th he had brain surgery to remove a radiated tumor that caused to much problems. He’s doing ok now, just wait and see if the problems disappear after the ledematen is gone. I wouldn’t know how we’d manage if we had to pay for everything.

Betty said...

Though you are in a holding pattern now at least you've moved forward. I have so much change around here and my purse weighs a ton. I don't want to be that old lady digging through her change purse at the store. I loved Trixie Belden books so much. Hope you continue to heal well and are not too frustrated. Betty

Anonymous said...

Every Christmas our 5 grandchildren were given my husband’s box of coins he’d amassed over the year. They got to spread it out on the table and divide it evenly. He always made sure there was a five or ten dollar bill for each of them in it too. Good memories.

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