Monday, September 30, 2024

Making a House a Home

 The kids all came for a visit a few weeks ago. I absolutely treasure every moment when the house is full! They began arriving on Saturday and the last of them left out on Thursday. I neglected to get a group shot, but these two stole the show

My in-laws came on Tuesday. My MIL was turning 86 and although she never wants to celebrate her birthday, we did so in an understated way. No singing of Happy Birthday allowed (although when it's sung by a 3 yr old great granddaughter, it brings joy), but a day filled with family, good food, and great grandbabies made the day celebratory nonetheless. 

All hands on deck to feed the crowd

This little one melts my heart.

He's pretty lovable

We bought a table and chairs for the deck and with the help of the Director of Assembly, DH and our SIL were able to get it all put together


Good job buddy!

Grandbaby love is the absolute best

The first day I said, "Let's go to the barn" and without any prodding from me, she began to sing, "Old McDonald" and my heart melted. It melted a lot that week.

Champion egg gatherer

and chicken and guinea feeder

Horsey kisses are the best!

This sweet child has a wild mane and she does not like to have it combed

Uncle Ty-Ty was smitten with Baby L

Who can resist that face?!

Love this shot our girl captured

Yes, the tub was a happy place

As was the deck

The perfect way to begin the day

Mountain baby!

I walked out one morning and saw this

E exclaimed excitedly, "Gram! Pap and I saw a Mama bear...and a Daddy bear...and a baby bear!" 😂

These 2 cousins bonded over blocks

And books

and towers

And our hearts were filled to overflowing with each and every moment

We christened the property with grandbaby love and laughter for 5 days and began filling it with treasured memories that make a house a home

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