Monday, September 23, 2024

Skeet's Mountain Home

 I knew many of you would be inquiring about Skeet. 

Does he like it here? 

He's probably wondering what took us so long to bring him here. LOL.

He's by our side each and every day

He's made a new friend in the resident gopher that lives just off the deck. DH has named him "Pockets" and Skeet is absolutely transfixed by him. Each morning as we linger over tea and coffee, he lasers in on Pockets and Skeet is entertained for as long as Pockets plays hide and seek, which lasts about 45 minutes. It's the funniest thing to watch.

Each and every project we tackle is accompanied by our project manager

He's taken his job very seriously and is just as exhausted as we are at the end of the day

Deck duty is a tough job

He likes to ride down to wherever we're working each day

And lead the way back to the house when the job is completed 

Between keeping us in line, as well as deer, elk, bear, coyotes, fox, squirrels, gophers, chickens, guineas, cows, and horses; he's got his paws full, and I think he likes it that way.

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