My list has been REALLY long for about 2 weeks so I'm only hitting the high spots here. Didn't think you would need to see 54 items listed. LOL. You're welcome. :)
Discovered a leak behind the bunkhouse. Well, actually UNDER the bunkhouse:
It rained!! We had 3" here and 4.2 on the east end. Still too wet to get to the north end.

The Pecos river going into town was plumb dry. There was one little puddle and then this. Natives say they haven't seen it run like this in 20 years:

Baked DH's favorite cookies to celebrate the rain:

Baked a Pound Cake. I'm fairly certain I have baked about 300 of these in the 24 years I have been making them:
Headed to Texas to pick up a dear friend and enjoyed the glorious morning sky on the way:
Frolicked through a museum with my favorite girl while waiting for the arrival of dear friend:
then through an antique mall and I came home with this:
And after a long delay, and a flight that began in Michigan and was rerouted from Denver to Houston to Amarillo, my dear friend finally arrived, and we took her out to eat Texas style:
Where we were serenaded by a lovely trio of Texas cowboys singing "Hey Goodlookin' ":
After church we ran by the grocery store and the display of green chile caught her eye. Now if I could only figure out how to send it back to Michigan with her, Although I may very well just send the green chile and keep her here!
Adventure to be continued...
Looks like you have been busy and having fun!
Praise the Lord for the rain!So glad you got a good 1!Some areas around here have gotten about 8/10s but I have been missing them.Have fun with your friend,guess it is about time for ya'll to start fall works.Mostly shipping?Around here lots of folks start calving in September and brand late fall or early winter and then ship in early summer when it is starting to get hot and dry,though a few wait until first part of July.Sure seems to help the old girls when get those calves pulled off in June before it gets too bad.Course this schedule means feeding wet cows through the winter.Those that spring calve here usually don't feed to speak of other than heifers and bulls.
Enjoy your friend's visit. Wow, I love the photo of the sunrise!
Here's to a good week.
Celebrate rain! My parents got some, too, but not so much as parts of Colorado that really did get too much. Glad you got some.
So glad your friend arrived and your visit is fun filled!! One question - is she as quiet as you? LOL!!!
Rain is good (for y'all)!! What recipe do you use for pound cake? I've just recently purchased a little tea cake mold (30 little shaped bundts) and have been using a simple lemon pound cake recipe to fill them. Just curious! Love the sweet pic of you and your girl!! :)
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