On Friday evening we had .8" of rain. On Sunday evening our rain gauge at the house collected another 1.6".
And Monday afternoon and evening we had another .8". Not a lot for many of you, but here in the desert, that's just huge!
Other parts of the ranch are too wet to get to so we're fairly certain even more fell in those areas.
We didn't have a very big sale at the sale barn on Monday and I was off of work at 2:30. I headed to the grocery store to pick up just a couple of things when our boy called as I was going through the self checkout and asked whether I was enjoying the rain. It wasn't raining in town, but he was driving past the ranch on his way to work in Texas and he said he'd never seen it rain like it was. He pulled down our road and visited with DH until the storm had passed. When I hit the ranch border, the water was just standing and running everywhere although the hard rain had let up and it was just lightly raining, It's a good day when water is standing in the pastures

The culverts were running water at full capacity
and I swam my way down river road:
that was washing out in numerous places.
As soon as the sun dawned, we pulled on our muddy boots, I grabbed my camera, and we made a rain run down the highway. It's too wet to get to very many places but the ranch is dissected by a 2 lane paved road and we can drive 10 miles and still have the ranch on either side. The bar ditches were full

And the rain had washed out some pipeline at the highway
DH wanted to take inventory of the damage
The fence held up well. The water had pushed some debris against it, but no fence repair will be needed. We were only able to get to a few rain gauges, but it's nice when you have to pour them out 3 times in a week
And when it rains around here, the phone starts ringing as rainfall reports are big topics of conversation
Too wet to go any further after this rain gauge
These culverts finally got a break and did a good job of keeping the road from being washed out:
This young buck was enjoying the cool morning as we drove by
Sights like this mean we'll have good grass to see us through the winter
And sights like this make me realize that we are abundantly blessed
I took both of these photos standing in the same spot. I just turned around and saw this. To God be the glory

Wow--that was a deluge!
Good to know there wasn't a lot of damage and that your desert was blessed with much needed moisture. I can't get over how much rain fell in a few short days!
Great photo journalism, too. :)
God is so good! I'm happy for you. We are traveling through New Mexico now. We stayed in Santa Rosa last night and had rain. It is so nice to be away from the humidity of Texas, the rain was wonderful. I saw the most beautiful rainbow, Gods promise to us. We are heading to the mountains in California till October. We will travel next year and see what happens after that. Fall is on its way to you!!
WOW!! We've done OK this summer but the weekend's rain stayed west and south of us. For some reason, I thought you were in TX. Where's the boy working in TX? You really take some beautiful photos.
Excellent news! I love the photo with the sign reflection. Enjoy this toad-ally amazing blessing.
Really enjoy reading your blog and hearing about your ranch life, your quilting and all that goodness you cook for your crew. survivor972002@midco.net
Again you captured some beautiful God created sights. Glad you didn't have much damage to the ranch and that it will provide good grass for the winter feed. That toad is so pretty it looks artificial. Your daughter should enter that in some kind of photo contest. I'm sure it would take a prize.
So happy to hear you got rain... without any damage and flooding like we had. We are having a beautiful sunny week and a rainy weekend is on the stand by. Oh well, it's that kind of summer this year. ;^)
Beautiful rain. Love the pictures and your remark about now having grass for winter. So, less buying feed and less going from pasture to pasture feeding every day. More quilting time too!
happy to hear you got rain - I'm sure it makes a huge difference there. We've had a fairly wet summer here in New England. It's made stuff come up later than usual, so I'm still able to pick blueberries and buy fresh corn (just picked a short time earlier).
Wow that is a lot of rain! Heres to good green grass!!!
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