That appointment was this past Thursday. A third option was given. Surgery, with an attempt to keep the leg. 3-5 days in the hospital. 2-4 weeks in a rehab facility. 30 radiation treatments in 30 days.
Lots of hard choices, but I told her I would support her either way. It is her decision to make. After a few sleepless nights and some waffling back and forth, advice from well-meaning friends, more consultations, she has chosen option 3, with the surgeon here in town.
Mom is weak and the medications are making her drowsy so she sleeps a lot. The tumor is 6"x8" and squeezing the sciatic nerve. She also has a completely torn hamstring and partially torn tendons. No wonder the poor thing is in pain! I am working to keep her nourished and hydrated and thinking of applying as a Presidential Social Secretary. Her tribe is large and fierce and loyal and between mail and texting and phone calls and social distanced visits, I have my hands full. This is the mail yesterday:

I am finding things to do to occupy my time. I bought some pretty spiffy running / walking shoes as I packed hastily when I came down, thinking I'd only be here for 4 or 5 days. I don't even own regular tennis shoes. Do they still even call them that? At home I walk in hikers, but I plan to chalk up some miles while she is recuperating. The Fleet Feet store is just 2 miles away so I popped in there when I went to pick up some of her medical records while she had visitors. I had to laugh because 'Fleet' is NOT an adjective that I could ever apply to my feet...or any other part of me! They were very helpful, but probably laughed themselves silly after I left. Doubt they get too many chubby, old ladies, in dire need of a haircut walking through their doors. I WILL say that I left the store feeling like I could tackle a marathon... but that too was fleeting. 😂😂

But I started running! What's up with that?! Well, running may be a bit of a stretch. It's more like a shuffle-trot. But my mom lives in a beautiful cul-de-sac and I can make a loop, pop in and check in on her, make another loop...etc. I'm sure I am entertaining the neighbors. My first encounter began with, "I didn't know you were a runner." Me: Neither did I. 😊
And now that I finished binding that quilt I brought, I have nothing to stitch. I don't do well with idle hands. I have only picked up knitting needles and a crochet hook once in my life. Time to pick up some yarn. I picked up both hastily when I bought my shoes. Hobby Lobby is just a few stores down. I'm thinking I'll start with crochet because mom is a very light sleeper and clacking knitting needles will be bothersome to her. I bought this soft earth toned yarn because I knew Mom would like it, watched a video or two and went to town:

Two puzzles down:

One to go:
I can hear ya'll now, "Well of course she's going to find a chicken puzzle!" 😄
I also brought good reading material and have my Kindle and a Fire tablet.
I also brought good reading material and have my Kindle and a Fire tablet.
I guess I'm like a little kid. I need to pack a 'busy bag'. Surely all of that will keep me out of trouble. It has thus far. I'll have to assure the hospital staff that I am not really moving in. It just looks like it. 😉 Oh, and I'm bringing chocolate (and Jesus!) and I'm bringing enough to share.
So I'll be sitting at the foot of the cross as I support and help my mom through this challenging time and I'll just remember to bloom where I am planted. 😉
My thoughts and prayers are with you Karin. What a trying and painful time for your Mom. I'm so sorry she has to go thru this. Glad you are keeping yourself busy, and fit ;) Take care.
You are a fabulous daughter, a godsend. And yes, we do have to stay busy. I brought my knitting with me to Mom's and I've almost finished a scarf. My new circular knitting needles don't clack. I will pray for both of you as you enter this next phase and for your Cowboy.
Oooooh! Mere Christianity has some wonderful thoughts in it. Try reading the Book of Mormon, it's great! I'm reading the bible now, just finished with David and Solomon.
I had to stop doing puzzles. My husband unloaded his office into the spare room and there's no space to open up my two boxes and make my puzzle choices.
I, too, find it hard to watch tv with empty hands. It's getting easier as I get older, but I really prefer "busy hands." Good Luck to you and your mom!
So you will continue to stay with her for the next few weeks? I know this will be hard on her (my DH was on radiation and that really zapped him big time and he was 'only' 66) as well as on you and DH. I think I've said it once but will say again--your mom is TRULY blessed to have you. YOU always seem to make the best of whatever your situation.
Just a thought, when I was taking care of my mom, after she broke her leg, there are programs that paid for me to be her care giver.
Your family will be in my prayers.
Sending prayers and good vibes your way for you and your mom. Hard decisions for sure. Glad to hear you are "running" around. Probably make you feel like at home when you were running after all kind of chores and feeding the chicken. Big hugs to both of you. ♥ ;^)
Have you thought about English Paper Piecing? It is very portable and results in lovely quilts. You can accomplish a lot with just fat quarters or a jelly roll..
God Bless you and your Mom. This journey will be trying, frustrating, and difficult, but I know your faith will serve you well.
Please know your mom and you are in my prayers, for healing and strength and wisdom. I lost my mom and dad a few years ago 6 days apart so I know you're thankful she is still with you. I pray she will be for quite some time--whole and well. Well done, thou good and faithful daughter. Blessings from southeastern WV.
You are being very supportive of your mother like a good daughter. If you like to work puzzles, you can find lots of free puzzles on line. I discovered the site about a week ago. I just type in the word puzzles and free puzzles will be one of the thing that pop up. Warning though -- they are addicting.
On another note -- You posted a picture of an antique quilt a long time ago that was 6 pointed stars surrounded by muslin hexagons. I have been making a queen sized one using the EPP method. For my quilt the hexagons are scrappy. I have made it in 2 parts. I only have about 3 rows to go, and then will have to put the 2 parts together. I am loving how it is looking.
I am adding you and your mother to my prayer list.
Prayers for your Mom and you. Also the rest of your family.
Thank you for the update. Such difficult decisions to make. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Karin, so sorry for your mother and your family. She is blessed to have you for a daughter. Stay busy and keep praying that’s all you can do! I will keep your family in my prayers too.
I’m sorry for what your Mom is going through. I’m sure many tears have been shed. Claim bible promises, like the story of Hezikiah, to give her more years. Also if you are looking for a wonderful book, read The Desire of Ages by Ellen White. It’s the life of JESUS. I know reading to your Mom from this book would bring her comfort. You can also read The Great Controversy by the same author. Prayers for you sweet daughter. I will continue to pray for your Mom.
Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgives all thine iniquities; who heals all thy diseases; Who redeemers thy life from destruction; who crowneth these with lovingkindness and tender mercies; who satisfies thy mouth with good things, so that thy youth is renewed like the eagles....Psalm 103:1-5.
Keeping you and your Mom in my prayers.
Oh, these are challenging times already, and the added challenge of elderly parent care sometimes stretches us in ways we didn't know we could stretch. Bless you for taking such good care of your Mama. Prayers for her--and for you!
Whatever happens, you will not regret this time. Anything by CS Lewis is good for giving one something to think about while walking/shuffling along. Enjoy! And know our thoughts and prayers are with you as you serve.
Oh my gosh Karin - this can be your reinvention time - haha! I LOVE the running story and the social secretary. So glad your mom has this amazing support and that you are there too - That has to be such a blessing to her as shes is going thru this. Hugs my running crocheting friend - Heart you!!
Prayers for your mama and you and your entire family. Hang in there!
God bless you, your mother, and your family. Prayers lifted for all of you as well as her doctors, nurses, technicians, and all involved with her care. What a trying time. Glad you got some good shoes (I still call them tennis shoes, walking shoes, sneakers, Keds but I don’t know what “they” call them now). If you need another good pair, you might get a pair like doctors and nurses wear. We recently cared for my mother 24/7 for a few months. Best advice I have (especially since you are an only child) is to take up offers of help when you can. Meals, offers to sit with her while you do errands, sleep, or just take a break. It helps the giver as well as you and your mom. To have others fix meals and just bring them to you can be wonderful. Maybe someone there can coordinate that for you. My mom needed a social secretary too! It’s a blessing but sometimes was quite a handful. . By the way, maybe you should go ahead and get knitting needles and yarn for a project. You mom may have periods when she sleeps very soundly and the clacking won’t bother her. I also started sewing four patches together by hand. A few packs of charm squares, needle, thread, and scissors is all you need!! And maybe a blank journal to draw any inspirational ideas for future quilts. And, well, you are also going to need a bag to put all of this in so you can carry it around, always prepared!!
Thank you for letting us know what’s going on. Take care, Sally
I'm sure I am one of many that continually check in to see if there are any updates. Karin please know we are praying for you and your mom and all of those involved in her care. I understand how difficult it is to be away from home and that it just compounds the situation. Also trusting God to watch over your husband and send him a helping hand when he needs it.
Haven't seen you online; know you are terribly busy being with your mother & all of her appointments. Wish there had been books for us to study about this phase of our lives as we now are taking care of our parents.
It's so sad our mom has to deal with this. I find it a strange twist that young people but who could probably deal more easily with the challenges of age than older people so rarely have to. I hope your mom's pain diminishes quickly.
I'm sure those new running shoes will help you become swift!
I hope you love reading C. S. Lewis's Mere Christianity. He's one of my favorite Christian writers.
Blessings to you and your mom!
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