To say I've enjoyed being home would be an understatement. It's been SO good to be home! We've been busy, but our days are filled with blessings. Here's a recap of our week. I didn't intend for this post to be so long, but try as I might, I can't seem to get a quick daily post written so you get it all at once. Sorry! Just know this did not all take place on one day. We're busy, but not THAT busy! 😉
On Sunday DH smoked some quail and I made quail stew - a favorite around here:
A little bit of snow:
But lots of blue sky:
We've had calves in the pens

Moved some feed troughs
Doctored a horse with a tummy ache
Cleaned out the feed room:
Sold 3001 hd of cattle at the sale barn on Monday, but we sold some bunches so the sale only lasted 10 1/2 hours. Still, it made for a long day and I made a grocery run after work because I knew I wouldn't have time for another trip to town this week and I had a crew to feed. On Tuesday morning we loaded another truck with calves and DH and I loaded the overflow onto our trailer and drove 2 hours to a different sale barn:
Where we emptied our rigs
and headed back home:

We've been putting out a lot of hay:
And running out of daylight:
DH and I get along really well, but there are little things that I do that probably drive him crazy. I'll bet I know the one thing about me (there are probably a lot more than I think!) that bothers him the most...I am always taking pictures. 😏 99% of the pictures I take, that are about ranch life, are taken on the fly when I am helping him:
Lots of deep holes in these Tobosa pastures so it's a good thing I didn't drive the rig into one of those while I was taking pictures and dump DH off the back while he was pitching out hay to the bulls:
Skeet is the keeper of the gates:
And our trusty sidekick
Looking for a cow that was missed during gathering
We were also short a bull and Skeet was eager to add his assistance:
Who am I kidding. He's ALWAYS on the job and eager to help:
We Trich tested bulls on Thursday and since they were gathered, DH spent time sorting through them:
The rest of the crew holds the herd and only lets certain bulls through that DH has designated
DH looks at their condition and feet and just gives them a good looking over to make sure they are healthy:
so I had a small crew to feed - just 7. Gotta keep the vet in cookies. 😁