We read to the kids every day from the day they were born...really...from day 1. When we found out we were expecting, we left the doctor's office, went to a bookstore, and bought children's books. The first piece of furniture we bought was a bookshelf for the baby's room. A love for books was curated early in our home:
One can never have too many books:
This is one of my favorite pictures from when the kids were little:

Little bookworms:

Grow up to be big bookworms:

When I made a road trip a few months ago, our girl took me to the local used bookstore. Oh, my word!! Talk about amazing! I was completely overwhelmed and felt like a kid in a candy store...only this was so much better!
We were there for a couple of hours and it wasn't nearly long enough. I didn't even scratch the surface. I could have easily spent days perusing the shelves.
This place is a bookworm's dream. This'll do for today:
The store takes up 1/2 of a city block and it's housed in this gorgeous building:
I was sad to leave it when she moved, but she recently sent me a text:
She found a new place to explore!
This past week, a new PBS series called The Great American Read began. A show about books? Yes, please. Through a survey...they didn't ask me...they have compiled a list of the best 100 books and you can vote all summer for your favorite. The Great American Read
Every time I think, "Oh, that's my favorite...or THAT's my favorite and the next minute I'm declaring, No, THIS one."
I cannot pick just one, but therein lies the beauty...there is always another book...another story...another adventure...another page to turn.
The store takes up 1/2 of a city block and it's housed in this gorgeous building:
I was sad to leave it when she moved, but she recently sent me a text:
This past week, a new PBS series called The Great American Read began. A show about books? Yes, please. Through a survey...they didn't ask me...they have compiled a list of the best 100 books and you can vote all summer for your favorite. The Great American Read
Every time I think, "Oh, that's my favorite...or THAT's my favorite and the next minute I'm declaring, No, THIS one."
I cannot pick just one, but therein lies the beauty...there is always another book...another story...another adventure...another page to turn.

I ❤️ this post and the photos of your readers of all ages. Pop up to central Wyoming and I'll take you to a fabulous used bookstore.
Loved this post! What a store.
If you are ever in Portland, Oregon check out Powell's Books. I think it covers the whole block! :)
This is a wonderful post...thank you. I am a reader since age six...you had to be able to write your name to get a card. My family not so much. Daddy said he used to read....before children. Even now Wednesday is "library day" and daughter and I plus a few spares go and check out books together and then have a nice lunch out and catch up/family time. Just wondered where in your house do you house all your books? That's the problem here. When we moved states I had to cull my books and it was like family member death (to me). The non readers in my family had no problem with it. SIGH. Loved the pictures of the children reading and that beautiful quilt on the bed.
love reading and now with retirement i get to quilt and read more. read 36 of the 100 on the list better get going still 64 to go
Each week my mom would take us to the public library. We could take out as many books as we could carry home and/or carry in our arms walking home. When we would ask her questions she did not know the answer to, we would write them down and look up the answers the next week at the library. In fourth grade I got to "work" in the library checking books out, stamping the card with the due date. When my children were in school I volunteered in the school library. I kept working at the elementary school after they went on to middle school [where parent volunteers are discourged]. I volunteered at the library when nieces and nephews were in school. My house used to be filled to overflowing with books. And then I discovered electronic books. They are not heavy to hold, don't need to be culled and donated, and I can carry hundreds around with me and read anywhere. Every Thursday I quilt with friends and we often discuss the books we are reading, exchange titles and/or loan books to each other, thereby killing two birds with one stone (quilting and reading). Thank you for letting us express our love for books. I truly enjoy your blog and your sharing your life experiences with us--another way of reading and adventure.
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