I worked our regular sale on Monday, the 25th. Tuesday through Friday I spent time with our boy and got to see our girl for a little bit as an added bonus (I treasure every minute I get to spend with these 2 kids!).
On Saturday, I worked a second special bull sale at the sale barn and our regular sale again on Monday. That morning we woke up to this:

Some roads were closed, but I crawled my way to the sale barn and by the time the sale ended, the roads were pretty clear.Then yesterday, we left the house at 4 a.m. and got back home at 7:30 that night. 8.5 of those hours were spent in the truck. The roads were clear and we were grateful, as we were headed to the bull sale we attend annually. It was 12° when we left at 4 a.m. and just north of town, we hit this:
By the time we reached our destination, the temps were in the high 50's. Clear blue skies made for beautiful bull scouting weather:
DH takes 2-3 hours to sort through 130 bulls and that's after a couple hours of studying the catalog at home:
These bulls work so well for us. We've known this family for 30 years and not only do they raise high quality bulls, but they are honest, hard-working, salt of the earth folks.
We lived in this area when we were first married so we've known a lot of these folks for a long time and it's always fun to catch up with everyone:
As soon as the sale was over, DH was in line to check out and I lined up to load out:
I get my stitching in where I can and always carry a hand stitching project along. 20 minutes of waiting equals progress:
On our way back, the winter wonderland was still in full display:
We came home with 9 bulls this year
and now we're praying for rain (again). It doesn't take much. It's a really good year if we get 12" of rain a year.
Sometime life makes it hard to be a hermit.
I'm glad you were able to make it safely to both sales. Angus bulls? They produce nice, healthy calves.
Don’t know how in the world you get any stitches in!! You must really be organized.
Wow--what a busy, busy woman you are!
So are the bulls given their own harems and kept separate from each other or how does that all shake out? One of the scariest drive we ever made was from Amarillo to the NM state line..SCARY!
Beautiful stock. Love Angus cattle.
Oh, if only I had the hours that My Cowboy has spent studying the bull catalogs! That icy stuff is scary -- I'm glad you made it safely around.
Looks like a fun day! Glad the roads cleared up for you! and yay for new bulls!! bring on the rain!
Hi! I haven't been around for quite awhile. There have been lots of distractions and life has been getting more intense here. I enjoyed reading this post. It was a nice change of pace. :-) Have a blessed Lord's day.
Your view on the way home, with the ice/snow clinging to the trees: beautiful! A wonderland. That bull, with the hay hanging out of his mouth: adorable! He's probably not really friendly, though, is he? Not like you could go up and give him a pat....
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