DH has been spending a lot of time working with a couple of his green horses before we begin our fall cow works in a few weeks and working them on cattle is part of that:
So I've been spending a lot of time manning the chute:

And funneling cattle through the alley:

Our girl took over chute duties one day last week and I videoed a few of his runs so that he could critic them and I snapped a few photos in between:

It takes a lot of time to make a good horse:

Some days we're in the arena first thing in the morning so my walking gets shuffled to the evenings. Skeet and I don't mind:
But he does seem to be searching for his partners in crime:

However, I think he was a little tuckered out after they left because he's been enjoying his prolonged siestas:
And I've been a little relieved to see the sun set a little earlier these days too:

I think fall is on the way. 60 degrees this morning. I love the photo of Skeet at the "fork in the road" and that's a good looking horse Gary's riding!!
Oh to be as relaxed as Skeet
I'm awaiting fall, too. Florence brought us two days in the 70s and we're back to 90 tomorrow or Thursday. I wish I had your humidity instead of mine, though! Ranching is hard work, but I'm grateful for families like yours which still do it.
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