I scatter some scratch and scraps out for the guineas and chickens before shutting the chickens in:
The beef gets fed.
And there are 25 calves that get 100# of preconditioning feed doled out to them.
Skeet's a champion chore chum:

I've also been cleaning out the chicken coop and hauling hay from the barn floor.

Somewhere along the line I noticed I had lost my college class ring. I did not panic, but mentioned it to my Mom who kind of did. I DID want to find it, but retracing my recent steps would be challenging. I had an inkling, but after looking in all the sacks of feed, I came up empty handed. I told my mom that the calves probably ate it and it would eventually show up in a pile of manure. She didn't find that as funny as I did. I told her that if she were here, she probably would be out combing through the manure piles the next day and she said that's exactly what she would be doing. LOL. It's even more funny because my Mom is not a ranch wife. She was born and raised in Vienna, Austria and she was pretty horrified when her only child met and married a rancher and built a life as a ranch wife at the end of a dirt road. She's always told me I ought to write a book, but she's the only one who would read it. :)
The calves had been munching on feed for about 15 minutes when I began combing through the feed in the bunk as we continued our conversation. Nothing, But I kept looking and lo and behold:
I found it! Last week it flew off my finger while I was working at the sale barn. Time to put it up somewhere for safe keeping, lest it really does find its way into a pile of cow manure!
And what a ranch wife you have become! Love reading about your life! What a great story about your lost and found ring.
I recently purchased a pack of these to help keep some rings in place after losing weight. No affiliation--they just work.
So glad you found your ring Karin! What is a doggie calf? I would read your book too, so that is two people ;) lol!! Have a great day.
An excellent find! I lost my class ring 40+ years ago and keep hoping someone will find it and then search for me (my name is engraved in it)
I always feel so helpless when I loose something that I really value and then I can't find it. You're story made me cry with joy when you found your ring.
Count me in on reading your book. My class ring was stolen when my house was burglarized. =( My name was engraved inside.
Years ago, while riding my bike home from a doctor's appointment, (my car broke down and I got the bike from my teen who rode it to work). We lived in a suburban city and it was not bike friendly. Coming to an intersection, a car pincered me up against the curb and a car was coming out of a parking lot about to hit me from the right. I tried to jump the curb, but didn't make it.
I went flying over the handle bars and kept thinking, tuck and roll. I did, and came off pretty well. I had a few scratches. I was just four blocks from my home. I get home to clean up and realize ...
My diamond was gone from my engagement ring. GASP!
I went back to look for it and couldn't find it. When my husband got home from work he humored me and went back to the "crash site" to help me look. Long story short, I found it and had the diamond reset.
Glad you found your ring and that you didn't have to dig through manure to find it. =D
About 35 or so years ago, we went bowling with friends the evening before we left on vacation. My class ring was irrating my finger, so gave it to hubby to put in his pocket. Traveling cross country, I asked for it back. Somewhere, between Connecticut and Missouri, he accidentally pulled it from his pocket and it's been lost ever since. It has my school name and my initials on it and I always hope someone will call the school to say they've found it. I retired from that school, so they can find me! I'm so glad you found yours sparkling in the feed trough!!
Whew! Happy find--yes, I would have gone through poop to find also
Oh what luck to have found it after doing all those chores. I think you need to wear it on a different finger (a fatter one) so it sticks better, or do as you say and put it up when doing chores. Your mom sounds like me. Although I'm not sure I would do that for my school ring. I never wear mine. lol
For the record, your mom is NOT the only one who would read your book!
I'm with your mom - I'd read it!! Glad your ring was in a *safe* spot and not in a pile of manure!!!
WHOA did you ever get lucky! Glad you found it; I think I might still have my HS ring (didn't get a college ring as I got my RN assoc. degree). I'm wondering, too, what a doggie calf is. You ranch people have a secret language! HA
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