I'm not any busier than any of you, and I seem to keep up with everything, but somehow I can't manage to post on a regular basis. So after neglecting my blog for 10 days, the things I intended to write about pile up and you get a hodge-podge post with lots of odds and ends.
We made an overnight roadtrip for a bull sale a few weeks ago
Then, one day I drove to a quilt shop in the mountains for an embroidery workshop. We were so busy and I was soaking in so much information that I didn't even take any pictures. I bought a new-to-me machine over a month ago and went to pick it up, but I have yet to even turn it on, but I finally took it out of the box yesterday and that's as far as I got
I forgot my laptop cord there, but the owners, Jackie and Eugene, drove by the ranch on their way to Texas so I arranged to meet them at the mailbox. I traded them Pumpkin Pie Spice Snickerdoodles for the cord:
Yesterday was a rough day. Skeet had to go in for surgery. A few weeks ago I noticed he had a growth on his upper gums so we took him to the vet,
who also happens to be a friend. Poor puppy is out of his element in town. So after dropping him off at 10
I had made plans to spend the entire day in town running errands and tending to things that always seem to get pushed to the back burner when I'm in a hurry. At 11, DH phoned and said we could pick him up at noon so I shortened my list a little and aimed for 1:00. At noon I got a call from our camp man and when I answered, I heard DH's voice. He had lost his phone and needed some info that was in a book at the house to attempt to locate it. They were gathering cattle about 45 minutes away from the house. Some were hanging out in a marshy, knee-deep area and when DH took his horse across it to move the cows out, he thinks his phone disappeared. So I dropped everything, picked up a very groggy Skeet and turned towards home. Alas, they were unable to locate his phone so that was the first rule of business this morning.

We're getting our ducks in a row for Fall Works next week so DH has been juggling lots of phone calls organizing the crew and all the details. Thankfully, all of his contacts transferred to my phone so he was able to tend to business as usual. Isn't it funny how we've become so dependent on these silly little pocket computers these days?
Then when he tried to contact our north camp man this morning via text and then phone, there was no answer so he called his wife. His phone had crashed so he too was phoneless. Sigh.
More cattle were moved and both boys are back in business.
Skeet too is back in business. They removed the growth and sent it off to be biopsied so we're praying for a good report.
This morning, he was raring to go for our morning trot - it's the only way I can think of to cheer him up
Things have been a little empty at home because sadly, Oliver disappeared yesterday. I am missing my little chore buddy
As is Skeet
They were huge buddies
Life is good out here at the end of the dirt road, but sometimes it can be a little ðŸ˜